Signposting - Health & wellbeing - Great Western Hospital - New App to Support Children


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Great Western Hospital - New App to Support Children

Great Western Hospital (GWH) in Swindon has adopted an app called Little Journey which supports children to prepare for healthcare procedures (before, during and after) at their hospital.

‘Little Journey’ is a digital eSupport platform that psychologically prepares, informs and supports children and families before, during and after healthcare procedures, all from the comfort and safety of their own home.

The app has many functions, including virtual tours of the Children’s Ward, theatres and recovery areas for children to watch before they come in for an operation, guidance for parents about fasting and surgical procedures, interactive games for children that can be played with one hand (so they can play whilst having a canula fitted) and relaxation and breathing animations to help calm a child before their operation.

The app is bespoke to Great Western Hospitals, and the goal is that the app will help to reduce on-the-day cancellations and unplanned admissions, as well as greatly improving the patient experience by reducing anxiety.

The ‘Little Journey’ app is also designed to support children with additional needs, such as autism or ADHD, and can be translated into 16 different languages – making it fully inclusive for all users.

Find out more about the app [HERE].