Claire Townsend


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Claire Townsend
Outreach Worker

Claire Townsend joined the WPCC as a volunteer in 2018. Claire is a special guardian for two young people who are now 20 years old and 17 years old. Claire’s eldest has asperger’s and mental health anxiety. Claire’s youngest has Global Learning Delay, ADHD, Autism, Intellectual Disability, Sensory Processing Disorder, along with finding it difficult to process information or retain information. Claire says that both of them have made amazing progress in their lives and they have never let any diagnosis hold them back; her eldest recently completed his mainstream college course and her youngest is currently attending a special needs college.

Claire has had a few different voluntary positions with the WPCC over the years and she still continues to volunteer as the WPCC’s Engagement Team Lead and she is also a volunteer Time Out For Parents (children with special or additional needs and/or disabilities) parenting course facilitator.

Claire is passionate about supporting families, having the lived experience of raising two children with additional needs and her volunteering experience with the WPCC; Claire says this is what above all led her into applying to join the WPCC Outreach Team.

Telephone: 07858677109