Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) - FAMILY CONNECTIONS courses
Community Mental Health Teams & Psychological Therapy Services in AWP Wiltshire are running FAMILY CONNECTIONS courses.
FAMILY CONNECTIONS is a 12-week programme for anyone who is caring for/ has a close relationship with someone (18 years+) who is receiving (or has received) services from AWP and has complex emotional needs or has problems of ‘emotion dysregulation’; in other words, has intense and volatile emotions (such as shame, anger, sadness and anxiety), chaotic relationships, fear of abandonment, or impulsivity and/or engages in self-harm or suicidal behaviour.
It can be very distressing seeing a loved-one struggle with problems of emotion dysregulation. FAMILY CONNECTIONS can help you to minimise your burden of care and can have beneficial effects on the recovery of your loved-one with these extreme emotional difficulties.
The course is designed to help you have a better understanding of your loved one’s experience and behaviour and, most importantly, to develop skills to improve your own well-being in a supportive peer environment.
Courses take place online and run approximately every 4 months and are free to attend.
AWP clinicians will lead courses, alongside people/carers who themselves have relatives with emotion dysregulation and have attended a Family Connections course and trained as FAMILY CONNECTIONS Leaders.
For further information on the course, please see attached document (AWP family connections info letter)
If you are interested, please contact:
Joel Conrad at N. Wilts PTS: Tel: 01722 820121 or Email: joel.conrad@nhs.net
Or Chris Eley at Wilts Sarum: Tel: 01722 820250 or Email: chris.eley@nhs.net