Signposting - Health & wellbeing - Temporary Changes to HCRG Single Point of Access Telephone


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Section: Signposting

Subsection: Signposting - Health & wellbeing

Temporary Changes to HCRG Single Point of Access Telephone

Due to an unusually large number of incoming referrals to the HCRG (formerly Virgin Care) Single Point of Access (SPA), the WPCC has been advised of some temporary changes to two of the SPA phone line options. These temporary changes will only be in place during the month of August and the phone lines will revert back to full opening hours on the 1st September 2022.

As of 4th August 2022, HCRG will be reducing the opening hours for their phone options that cover: -

appointments (option 2)
general queries (option 3)

to 9am-12pm and 4-5pm daily, to allow the SPA team to process referrals coming into the team.

Their universal line, option 1, (with access to the duty School Nurse and Health Visitor), will remain open as usual throughout the day, 9am-5pm.

The WPCC has been advised that HCRG can be contacted by email as usual, throughout the day.

HCRG’s SPA telephone number is: 0300 247 0090

HCRG’s SPA email address is: