Signposting - Leisure & breaks - Social & play - Salisbury ASD clubs


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Subsection: Signposting - Leisure & breaks - Social & play

Salisbury ASD clubs

Cygnets is a club for children and young people on the Autistic Spectrum aged 8-18 years. It is held twice a month at Elizabeth House Social Centre, 131 Exeter Street, Salisbury SP1 2SG. Up to eight people attend the club sessions.

The club provides an opportunity for young people to meet and there are structured activities such as cookery, art/ craft and computer sessions. These take part in a safe environment with trained staff so that young people can make choices, learn to develop social skills and discover activities for leisure.

In the first instance you will be asked to register, at which point you will be sent a booking form to fill out. A carer/parent must attend at the first club with each member. There will be a contribution of £3.50 per session which must be paid when booking.

For more information including dates, programme of activities and how to book please download the flyer.