Signposting - Special educational needs - Extended powers to make non-binding decisions about health and social care aspects of EHC plans


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Extended powers to make non-binding decisions about health and social care aspects of EHC plans

In April 2018, the Department for Education began a national trial to extend the powers of the SEND Tribunal to hear appeals, and make non-binding decisions about, health and social care aspects of Education, Health and Care plans; this was called the Single Route of Redress. The Trial was due to end on 31st August 2020.

However, given the pressures local areas and families were under as a result of coronavirus, Vicky Ford (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families), announced on 18th June 2020 that the Department for Education was extending the national Trial until 31st August 2021.

Extended Powers Following the National Trial will Continue

On 20th July 2021, it was confirmed that the extended powers given to the SEND Tribunal to hear appeals and make non-binding recommendations about health and social care aspects of Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans would continue, provided those appeals also include education elements.

The guidance has been updated: ‘[SEND tribunal: single route of redress national trial]’ to remove references to the National Trial and explain that the extended powers will continue as well as providing details on how appeals, which include health and social care aspects (now known as extended appeals), work. This guidance is intended for all local authorities, health commissioning bodies, and parents and young people in England.

You can find more about the national trial in the Single Route of Redress (National Trial) article on the [WPCC website]