Signposting - Special educational needs - Transport - WITS – Wiltshire Independent Travel Assistance


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Subsection: Signposting - Special educational needs - Transport

Travel Training Update

The Travel Training contract between the Wiltshire Council Adult Care Team and WITS is due to end in March 2016. We know the service this contract provided has been of benefit to some young people with SEND and the WPCC has shared comments from parent carers with the SEND team, who fully appreciate the concerns that have been raised in response to this news.

Having liaised with the SEND team, we would like to take this opportunity to assure all parent carers that the SEND 0-25 Service will continue to provide a travel training service after March 2016. The SEND team recognises the substantial benefits that Travel Training can bring to the lives of young people with SEND; the ability to use public transport in the community can open up many more opportunities for training, work and general independence. It is for these reasons that the 0-25 SEND team already has an internal travel training service that is provided by the Community Connecting Service, who support young people with SEND to become more included in their community.

The SEND team see this change in contract arrangements as a positive opportunity to review the service provision, and in partnership with the WPCC, we will work with parent carers to explore how we can get the most from this service for even better outcomes for more young people with SEND.

We will keep you informed of developments and opportunities to participate in any engagement sessions as this work progresses. However, in the meantime, if you have any comments or concerns you would like to raise, please share them with us and we all happily pass them on to the SEND team.

For information about the current WITS service, visit the [WITS website]: or telephone them on: 01380 871800.