Signposting - Support for families - Carers UK - Carers Rights Guide/Assessments Factsheet


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Carers UK - Carers Rights Guide/Assessments Factsheet

Carers UK is a national charity set up to help the millions of people who care for family or friends. They provide information and advice about caring, alongside practical and emotional support for carers. Carers UK also campaigns to make life better for carers and influences policy makers, employers and service providers, to help them improve carers’ lives.

Carers Rights Guide
The Care Act, which came into force in April 2015, brings significant changes to the way social care services are delivered, including new stronger rights for carers to get support. To help carers know what their rights are, Carers UK have produced a handy Carers Rights Guide 2014/15. Click here to take a look.

Assessments and the Care Act Factsheet
Carers UK have also produced a factsheet about Assessments and the Care Act. The Care Act 2014 and the Children and Families Act 2014 have strengthened the rights and recognition of carers in the social care system.

New rights entitle carers and the people they care for to a clear right to an assessment of their needs, regardless of their income and finances or their level of need. Young carers and the parents of disabled children are also included in the new system.

Assessments will identify care and support needs and provide information and advice about services aimed at meeting those needs. To view the factsheet, please click here.