Signposting - Support for families - Support for parents & carers - Changes to Arrangement of Support for Unpaid Carers


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Section: Signposting

Subsection: Signposting - Support for families - Support for parents & carers

Changes to Arrangement of Support for Unpaid Carers

Announcements about a new partnership to support unpaid carers in Wiltshire have recently been publicised. Some parent carers have contacted the WPCC about their confusion and some of their concerns in response to these announcements. In response, the WPCC has been speaking to Wiltshire Council officers as we are keen to seek reassurance and clarity about what the new arrangements will mean for parent carers specifically from April. As a result of our conversations, Wiltshire Council officers have responded by offering to facilitate a session for parent carers to explain more about the offer under the new arrangement and answer questions. We are currently working to arrange a date and will provide an update on this as soon as possible.

To see the press release on the Wiltshire Council website, please click [HERE].