Signposting - Support for families - Support for parents & carers - Chippenham Coffee Mornings


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Section: Signposting

Subsection: Signposting - Support for families - Support for parents & carers

Chippenham Coffee Mornings

As parents and carers of autistic children, young people and adults, it can be hard to find help when you’re trying to get the right support. Autism Central aims to make it easier to learn about autism and the services available to you.

Join them for a casual meetup for parents and carers of autistic children (no diagnosis required). Come along and meet their peer educators and have a cuppa and a chat.

No need to book, just turn up!

Monday 25th March: 10.30am-12 noon
Grounded, 1 Bath Road, Chippenham SN15 2BB

Tuesday 23rd April: 10.30am-12 noon
Rivo Lounge, 2-4 The Bridge, Chippenham SN15 1EX