Signposting - Support for families - Support for parents & carers - Missing People - Help if Someone Disappears


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Subsection: Signposting - Support for families - Support for parents & carers

Missing People - Help if Someone Disappears

Missing People is the only charity in the UK which is dedicated to bringing missing children and adults back together with their families.

Some missing people you will have heard of, but many more you won’t. For their families, life can feel like a desperate and unbearable struggle as they wait for days or even years. That’s why we Missing people is here for missing people and their families, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to provide free and confidential support by phone, text or email.

Find out more by visiting the [Missing People website].

Missing People also run a service called SafeCall. SafeCall is a scheduled telephone call to children who are referred to Missing People by professionals working with them. They will be offered a non-judgemental, safe space to talk about their experiences in confidence. They will reassure them that there is a way out, support them to explore their choices, and help them formulate a safety plan. SafeCall offers a confidential telephone service for children and young people who have recently been missing and may be involved in gangs and county lines. Young people can text the helpline: 116000 and ask someone from SafeCall to contact them if they have no credit. They listen without judgement and offer an opportunity to discuss situations and give options and choices for moving forward if they wish and support them in doing so.

The SafeCall service will also reach out to the child’s parent or carer, offering them a chance to debrief, access emotional support and be guided on how to keep their family safe in the future. The chance to off-load and talk about how they are feeling has proven to be incredibly valuable for parents/family members who feel they have nowhere to turn to for support.

Find out more about SafeCall [HERE].