What we do - Have your say! - Consultations


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WPCC Consultations

Help Develop Information for Parent Carers – Free Gift Voucher

Parent carers have been telling us that they would like more information on certain themes to help them more. We have recently heard from parent carers through a number of different engagement sessions that more information would be welcome on themes including: -

• understanding what resources and support children and young people with additional needs are able to access in school regardless of diagnosis
• things to think about when considering moving your child to a different school or setting
• whether or not your child may meet criteria for an Education Health and Care Plan
• legal duties, rights and responsibilities

Wiltshire Council is committed to providing accessible information about SEND and is keen to develop this in partnership with parent carers. In an effort to respond to the feedback we have heard, Wiltshire Council is looking to create some short explanatory videos for parent carers to be added to the Local Offer website.

To begin this piece of work, we are looking for a small group of parent carers who would be willing to form a focus group to explore the above and co-produce video content. In partnership with Wiltshire Council, we intend to hold an initial meeting on Thursday 27th June from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the WPCC office in Trowbridge. We would welcome participation from parent carers of children and young people aged 0 to 25 with SEND.

Parent carers who engage for the duration of this project will receive a gift voucher from the WPCC as a thank you for their time and commitment. Parent carers will also be able to claim out of pocket expenses incurred by attending (travel/mileage reimbursement, car parking and childcare costs).

Places are limited to six people, so please request your place early to avoid disappointment.

If you are interested in participating please telephone the WPCC on: 01225 764647 (option 1) or email: reception@wiltspcc.co.uk.

Wiltshire SEND, Inclusion and Alternative Provision Strategy – More Ways to Contribute

As an addition to the face to face sessions and online focus groups to explore and contribute to Wiltshire’s SEND, Inclusion and Alternative Provision (SENDIAP) Strategy, a series of virtual recorded sessions have been developed to give parent carers another way to contribute their views.

There are a series of eight short online presentations that have been created to give some background information and opportunities to focus on and feedback on specific themes. To participate in any of the virtual sessions, please click on the links below: -

• [Overview and background]

• [Information and communicating]

• [Getting the right support at the right time]

• [Preparation for adulthood]

• [Support and advice to families]

• [The quality of planning]

• [The skills and knowledge of the workforce]

• [The voice of the family]

These virtual recorded sessions have been created to enable parent carers to participate and contribute at times that works for them and have been broken down into themes to allow people to focus on the areas that are of most interest.

Closing date is 5pm on Sunday 26th May 2024.

SEND, Inclusion and Alternative Provision Strategy - Parent Carer Focus Group Sessions

We are inviting parent carers of children and young people with SEND to join our online focus groups. The sessions will provide an opportunity to explore and discuss in more detail the emerging priorities within the SEND Inclusion and Alternative Provision Strategy (SENDIAP) for Wiltshire, as a result of engagement opportunities that have taken place so far.

The sessions are focused on the topics or themes that have come from parent carers. There will be key representatives from services and providers to listen and respond to your views and suggestions during each of the sessions.

The focus group sessions are all online, with some sessions held during the day and some at the end of the day. All sessions will also have a representative from Wiltshire Parent Carer Council team to support the process.

Please see below for more details on the sessions.

Sendiap focus groups.png

You are invited to join as many sessions that are of interest.

To request a place at one or more of these sessions, please click [HERE].

Help Improve Online Information about SEND Provision in Wiltshire

The WPCC is working with Wiltshire Council to help facilitate the first session of the Local Offer Reference Group. The Local Offer Reference Group is an opportunity to have conversations about the information on the Wiltshire Local Offer website. This first session will look at: -

• what people should expect to find on the Wiltshire Local Offer website,
• how easy it is to find information,
• hearing suggestions to help make improvements in a way that reflects your needs or those you support.

The session takes place on Thursday 22nd February 2024, from 10am to 12pm, at Wiltshire Council County Hall, Trowbridge.

The WPCC will reimburse parent carers’ travel expenses when attending this session. A guide will meet attendees in the atrium/reception area at 10am.

You can read more about the Local Offer Reference Group by visiting: https://localoffer.wiltshire.gov.uk/LORG

You can find more about what the Local Offer is if you wish to read up before attending, by visiting: https://localoffer.wiltshire.gov.uk/article/6206/What-is-Local-Offer-about or watching this short [VIDEO].

There are plans to produce a virtual/online version of the session, including access to the same questions and information for people to engage after the session should they wish, or if they cannot not attend.

All feedback gathered via these opportunities will be anonymous; views and suggestions will be published as part of the Annual Reporting, detailing the work to improve and develop the Local Offer resource.

To request a place to attend, please click [HERE]. PLEASE NOTE: Places are limited to 30 people and will be offered on a first come, first served basis, so please book early to avoid disappointment.