Who we are - Information about the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council


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Section: Who we are

Information about the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council

Since establishing in 2008, the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) has grown and evolved significantly over the years. Despite our membership now exceeding over 5,000 registered parent carers, we know there are still many people who don’t know about the WPCC. We try to promote who we are and what we do in a number of ways including our website, a presence on many other websites, social media, bulletins and newsletters sent to all schools and settings, our proactive Engagement team, attending events and hosting events, relying on word of mouth and our information leaflet.

We know that people like to access information in different ways, so to enhance the different ways we try to describe who we are and what we do, and reach even more people, we have produced a short film that tries to give a brief overview of the WPCC and information about some of what we do. This has been made possible thanks to a recent successful small one-off grant application to the DfE. Our sincere thanks also go to [Flying Monk Community Projects] who we commissioned to produce this film for us.

To watch our short video, please click [HERE]. Please help to reach more people by sharing this video.