Current projects - Single Assessment - One page profile example


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Section: Current projects

Subsection: Current projects - Single Assessment

One page profile example

Until now, children and young people with special educational needs and/or disability have been expected to undergo a large number of assessments and plans from birth to their 25th year. As part of the current review of services, the government has asked pathfinder authorities to find ways to simplify the system.

One Page Profile Blank.pdf
In a presentation at the Pathfinder Event of 19th November, WPCC Vice-chair Stuart Hall explained how the new single assessment and plan that is currently being designed and tested by Wiltshire Council is based upon the principles of person centred planning. At the heart of this approach is a One Page Profile that gives an overview of the person on whom the assessment is focused, including what is important to them and how they can be supported most effectively.

In response to a number of requests you can now download a copy of Stuart's One Page Profile example here.

This example is made available on the understanding that it is a work in progress ONLY. One Page Profiles are personal and it is up to each person to decide how they want to present their personal information. For example, the photo can be in the middle, in the corner or it can even be used as a whole-page background to the text on the page.

For more information about the single assessment that is being piloted in Wiltshire, visit our My Plan page.